Multi-currency management

With today's update, LicenceOne users can visualise automatically detected transactions and their associated spend calculations in multiple currencies.

View spend history in multiple currencies

01 - LicenceOne - Dashboard - Chrome - MacOS.png
For users that sometimes pay in dollars, then pounds, then euros: this one's for you.

Now your LicenceOne dashboard displays multiple currency lines with the correct calculations if we detect that your bank account or accounting software handles multi-currency transactions.

View app spend in the currency they were paid in

Now, transactions that are shown in an application's spend tab show the currency that were each paid in; rather than assuming that they're all the same currency 😉

Menu refresh

You might've also noticed that we've added handy links to LicenceOne's help center and feedback board so that all of our users can find this at a glance.

Coming soon

If you like adding applications and spend manually, don't worry! We've got a feature coming soon to allow you to select from any legal currency (at least that we could find 😉) coming very soon.

You can take a peak at that feature here, with some top secret screenshots of what the feature will look like too 🕵️

Let user choose currency when manually adding applications
I am from Brazil and I have a lot of payment that I do in US Dollars. It would be great if we could choose the currency of each app. Because today I only have Reais (Brazilian currency), but I spend in Reais, Dollars and Euro.

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