Phew - launching on Appsumo keeps you busy! 😅 But in-between support, product design, and technical specifications we've still been able to publish a first batch of your desired changes.
Manually add applications without waiting for review
Manually add applications to LicenceOne without waiting for review
When manually adding an application into LicenceOne, users must wait until our team manually validates each and every application.
That's rubbish!
This feature would allow all users to add applications instantly to LicenceOne without waiting for validation, as well as provide the LicenceOne team the ability to manually them so that our other users can benefit from our improved detection algorithms.
This feedback item is required before we begin working on the following item:
[feedback: 23906/]
2 years ago
We've completely reworked the way our application database works so that you can now manually create an application in LicenceOne, even if it doesn't already exist in our app database, without having to wait for us to verify it.
Simply head to the "Add an application" button at the top right of your applications page to get started
This is the first stage in a three-stage process for improving manually adding applications to LicenceOne. Very soon we'll be adding a couple of extra fields to the manual creation view and then will start implementing our most requested feature: manually adding application spend and costs.
Changed number formatting so it's how you like it
Change the number/currency formatting depending of the user language
We currently display financial amounts with a comma separator and the currency symbol after the numbers e.g. 1 547,35 $
Other countries might be used to seeing this differently, for example $1,547.35 in the USA.
2 years ago
Previously LicenceOne displayed all financial amounts with the currency symbol after the numbers, and with a comma separator to show decimal values.
Now we've changed things so that your browser language and region automatically determines what number format appears. For example, if you've setup your browser to American English, numbers will now look like $122.33
New dashboard graph
Allow users to visualise their spend for the previous month (or further)
In its current state, LicenceOne's dashboard only allows users to visualise spend for the month in progress.
That means that the only way that I can really analyse my software spend for the month is to login at the end of the month before the data resets.
What would be awesome is a way for me to visualise what I spent last month, or even over the last year. Right now I can't do that :(
2 years ago
We have now reworked your dashboard so that instead of displaying a bar chart with the budget assigned to each team, we now display a chart of your past 12 month's application spend. That way, you can start to visualise how your application spend has been evolving.

For those that want to track budget allocation per team - don't fret!
We're first going to work on allowing users to assign multiple teams to an application and calculate how that budget is divided (equally or by headcount for example) and once that's perfected; we'll move on to making a useful dashboard graphic to display that information.
To follow our progress on that, you can upvote or subscribe to our feedback entry below:
Assign multiple teams to a licence
Sometimes there may be an applicaiton that's used by multiple teams (e.g. Slack, Google Workspace, Notion); however LicenceOne only allows users to assign 1 team to that application.
This feature request would allow users to:
* Assign multiple teams to an application
* Decide how budget allocation should be split between those teams; either;
* Equal amount per team i.e. if there's 4 teams, the budget gets divided by 4
* By headcount of assigned employees i.e. if there's 10 developers and 2 sales using the application, we divide the amount by 12 and then multiply it by 10 to find budget assignment for the development team, or multiply by 2 to find the budget assigned to the sales team
* By percentage, i.e. the user can decide that even if there's 3 teams assigned, the buget is split 50/50 between two of them
2 years ago